Saturday, February 29, 2020

Change Management in Semantic Web Services

Change Management in Semantic Web Services Change Management in Semantic Web Services in Legal Domain using FSM & XXM Introduction With the new paradigm of Service Oriented Computing, many enterprises attempt to utilize services as fundamental elements for developing applications/solutions as an additive layer on top of existing components. The Web Service Controller Architecture (WSCA) for service-based, enterprise-scaled business solutions provides exactly this flexibility. The design, exposure and management of services can be accomplished through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that supports the usage, composition and coordination of services in a loosely coupled manner. Web services appear to be particularly suitable for addressing these aspects of a SOA. Furthermore, composition languages such as BPEL add value by composing Web services and facilitating the implementation of business processes. As the SOA paradigm brings this big behavior change relying on loose coupling of services it raises new questions in the area of change management. Change management is a central aspect in any software design, but its complexity for Web services is increased by both composition languages and loose coupling. The resulting advantages like composability, autonomy, message-based communication, and the avoidance of combined compilation and binding prove to be deficiencies in this context. In this paper we discuss these elementary challenges of change management in the area of Web services (Web Service Change Management, WSCM). Currently there are no sound mechanisms and engineering principles for changing Web services and their related entities. Through analysis of a suitable scenario, specifically looking at the details of the Web service provider and consumer roles, one can identify the various problems that exist in this domain. Therefore we will start our approach with the consideration of an application scenario from the business domain of application and change management, the addition of Web servic es in private legal sector. An Overview of a WSCA A WSCA consists of several autonomous outsourced Web services, but acts as a virtually coherent entity. Business entities, in the form of Web services, are often geographically distributed and organizationally independent. While WSCA has a potential to introduce new business opportunities through dynamic alliances, the challenges of fully realizing a WSCA lie in managing changes during its lifecycle through Extreme X Machines (XXM). XXM: In this paper we explore the design changes as made to software projects by the use  of a formal model known as Extreme X-Machines (XXM) [5,6], which  are based on the work of Eilenberg and Holcombe [7,8]. An XXM model describes the functionality of the software without defining exactly how this functionality is achieved. This perspective allows an analysis of functional change whilst excluding specific implementation or requirements issues. XXM are a state based model, they are intended to be us ed by developers as a method to design  their systems from at the top level but here, XXM are used as effectively to analyze and incorporate changes in, even addition of new web services. Each model typically consists of a set of states which correspond to screens in the final system and functions which link the screens together. The functions are typically labeled with an enabling action such as â€Å"click_ok† which corresponds to a user clicking the OK button.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Against nuclear power Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Against nuclear power - Research Paper Example However, there is equally a somewhat increasing concentration in the mastering of the nuclear fuel succession to ensure there is an adequate supply in terms of the needed nuclear fuel. The major concern involves the aspect of mastering this fuel cycle, meaning that countries trend riskily close to the nuclear weaponry capability. There have been endless protests in both the United States and Europe opposing the operations and construction of the nuclear power centres. Some of the proponents are said to have argued that the extending of the movement focus beyond the atomic plants was likely to end up alienating the government and public target individuals, thus most of the antinuclear alliances appears to have shied from certain issues including socialism and the corporate capitalism. There has been points of tension with the particular one being the amount of the emphasize that ought to be placed upon the elimination of the nuclear weapons. The antinuclear alliances began basically from an environmental initiative concerning the safety of the atomic plants, with several members in the movement calling for an increased stress involving the connections between the nuclear weapons and the nuclear power. Through the endeavoured occupations of the nuclear power plant centres, the modern movements against the atomic power is said to have adopted the civil disobedience being a primary criteria of protest, together with other various legal demonstrations and protests. It will be noted that an unscrupulous concern for the nonviolence seems to have marked attempted occupations of the atomic plants, thus winning some favourable attention on the national as well as the local media. Most of the antinuclear protesters tend to look up to the nonviolence in terms of philosophical manner that guides the whole of political and personal actions, with many others adopting it as a promising

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The different and similarities the ideological position by the main Essay

The different and similarities the ideological position by the main candidates in the city of Toronto election for Mayor (2014) - Essay Example He proposed that they shall be kept below the rate of inflation to reduce the cost of owning residential property. On the other hand, he proposes a steeper increase of commercial taxes as compared to residential property so as to reduce the ratio between commercial taxes and residential taxes (Peat 2014). Olivia chow another favorite contestant intended to keep the tax rates of residential property pegged on the rate of inflation such that they are either slightly higher, lower or in line as compared to the increases or decreases in the inflation rates. Her policies on property tax favor small businessmen as she intended to decrease the rates of taxes for these businesses by a total of 2.5% by the year 2020 (Peat 2014). This she believed would service as an incentive for more people to join the market. Just like his fellow contestants for the seat John, Doug Ford promised to ensure that the residential property taxes are maintained at a level below the comparative fluctuations of the rate of inflation (Peat 2014). All the three main candidates aimed to reduce the amount of taxes that residential property pay to make them more affordable to home owners and tenants. John Tory and Doug Ford planed to adopt the exact same policy of keeping the rates lower than the comparative rate of inflation at any given time. The Policies of Olivia chow are almost similar in that she also intended to use the inflation rate at the yardstick to determine the rate of tax for residential property (Peat 2014). The only difference is that she did not promise to keep increases in the rates strictly below the relative increases in inflation rates. She said the changes in the rate could be above or below the changes on the rate of inflation but by a very small margin (Peat 2014). Another difference in Olivia`s policies manifested in her plans for boosting small businesses by progressively decreasing the taxes required from them (toronto mayoral election promise tracker